Termites / Wood Destroying Insects

Termites / Wood Destroying Insects

powderpost beetle

Reddish brown, with long, narrow, flat bodies; 1/8- to 1/4-inch.


Powderpost beetles live in hardwood floors, timbers, crates, antique furniture and other objects made from hardwoods. They lay their eggs in cracks in the wood and the larvae tunnel into the surface, filling it with a very fine powder-like dust. Powderpost  beetles are considered by some experts to be second only to termites in the United States in their destructiveness to wood and wood products.


Hardwoods found in floors, timbers, furniture and other objects.


Vigilant inspection of wood sources in your home is key to preventing powderpost beetles. At the earliest signs of damage, call a pest management professional, who can determine which control measures are necessary.
